Our House
“Our House“ is a subsidiary of the German Sports Foundation (Deutsche Sporthilfe). We set up scholarship-like support for non-Olympic and non-organized athletes in order to reach the hearts and minds of millennials. Our House promotes the values - respect, inspiration, performance. Support will include financial funding as well as non-monetary provisions funded by sponsors.

About us
Goals: Following the Olympic values and ideals, the German Sports Foundation contributes to promoting these values in society. Sport not only supports education, healthy lifestyles, fairness, diversity, solidarity and inclusion, but also self-discipline, determination and ambition. These goals also apply to “Our House”.
Reason why: We have observed a global movement among younger generations towards new types of organizations and value-based communities.
Non-organized sports like BMX, Wakeboarding, Parkour and others have emerged creating new role models mainly via social media. “Our House’’ seeks to create similar support for non-Olympic athletes akin to what the German Sports Foundation does with traditional sports. The goals ultimately stay the same: to promote values within society through role models in sports.
Concept: Unlike Olympic sports, the non-organized activities do not rely on objective measurements of achievements. Therefore, support will not be based solely on performance. “Our House’’ will carefully select athletes on the valuebased criteria: respect, inspiration and performance. Support can range from financial funding to supply of media production tools, insurances, facilitation of workshops, networking events with Olympic athletes and more. The athletes are not bound by contract and nothing is required in return – apart from being a role model, promoting respect, inspiring others and performing on a high level.
More information (Press release of German Sports Foundation, 11/27/2019)
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